Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to open Oracle Apps/Forms from your Server/LINUX Machine

Steps to open OAPPS Forms from your LINUX Machine.

I did the following steps and I can now successfully open OAPPS forms in Linux.

I installed Linux 5 and then Apps R12.1.1 but did not install the mozilla seperately. Rather I used the default mozilla which gets installed with linux.....

Steps I did:

1.Checked my Java Plugin version from $CONTEXT_FILE

[applmgr@jeddah ~]$ grep plugin $CONTEXT_FILE


2.Downloaded exactly the same version of PLUGIN.

Link to downlaod:

-- Under the heading JDK 6u7 includes the JVM technology.. Click on "Download JRE" for J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE)
-- Select your specific PLATFORM (Linux as I did)

-- This will take you to the available files
-- Click on "jdk-6u7-linux-i586-rpm.bin" to install on your machine

3. WinSCP it to your linux at some location

4. Change the file permission.
”chmod 755 jdk-6u7-linux-i586-rpm.bin”

5. Execute this file as:

[root@jeddah ~]#./jdk-6u7-linux-i586-rpm.bin (You will be asked to accept license agreement , click enter and when prompted to accept license enter Yes)

–This will install jre 1.6.0_07 in linux machine under /usr/java and plugin is installed under

6. Configure JRE Plug-in in browser
–Go to the DEFAULT Mozilla FireFox plug-in directory which is
[root@jeddah ~]# cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

Creating softllink:
ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_07/plugin/i386/ns7/ ./


Now, open a fresh Firefox window and login to access your FORMS.... HAVE FUN!!

MD Aijaz

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